Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Another day.

It's dawn, I'm still alive. It's been increasingly hostile in the cavern, the fear is growing as we hear less and less about the war.

Had I not been a bit afraid myself I might be hiding within one of the ages in my library, somewhere alone and far from the fights and accusations. But that solves nothing, and the risk of being harmed when alone is even greater. My time is better spent in the cavern at the moment.

Perhaps I'll take a trip to Minkata tomorrow, the sky is lovely there, particularly at night. I'll need to search around my closet in Relto for my bota bag, otherwise I'm going to wind up dehydrated again. I've been intrigued by the compass rose near the link in spot, as it seems to be something created by the original constructors of the structure, but almost everything else thus far is looking rather like Bahro work. Unless the D'ni were in the habit of using bones and tusks to build..

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